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"Do not curse the darkness, light up a candle.", Mário Cortella

You do not get promoted because the senior partner does not like you, you do not feel your team engaged, your clients are boring, judges take too long to decide, your wife or husband does not understand your stressful profession, it is been raining for five days in a row and you do not perform at your best when it rains and the boy from the coffee shop does not seem to figure out how you like your coffee…

Suddenly, everything is outside, (apparently) out of your control. Every incident in your life is someone else’s fault, every non-achievement is caused by a third person, you have no luck, the universe does not conspire at your favour. How strange, is it not?

When darkness arises, what do you do? Complain?

Well, just as the philosopher Mário Cortella, I suggest you to light up a candle. See why in the latest article at the column "The Coach Approach" for IBERIAN LAWYER magazine.

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